
 [View thread 111 X Anonymous Tue 2022-08-16 6:12am No.111
there are mentally ill people in this imageboard
>> X Anonymous Tue 2022-08-16 10:00am No.112
>> X Keren Wed 2022-08-24 9:28am No.141
> 112 i disagree with your agreement
> 111 i agree with your statement

 [View thread 108 Yellow watermelones X Gobbledonker Mon 2022-08-15 11:44pm No.108
What are yellow watermelons?
Are they an opposite kind to a green-red watermelon?
Are they the remnants of the ever so unknown watermelon yellowtree?
Is it even barfable?!
So much we don't know from this very very world

 [View thread 106 Pumpkins X Gobblewonker Mon 2022-08-15 11:39pm No.106
What are pumpkins?
Are they a similar kind of a watermelon?
Are they the remnants of the Scythe's best friend?
Is it even edible?!
So much we don't know from this very world

 [View thread 101 idonthaveanykeys,Cravemywifeleftmelockedout X HowdoIusethis? Mon 2022-08-15 8:37am No.101

 [View thread 90 send images of X Please Sat 2022-08-13 10:41am No.90
>> X Anonymous Sat 2022-08-13 6:28pm No.92

>> X axolotl !w6dVfCCIAE Mon 2022-08-15 8:30am No.98
uh, thanks i guess but
kinda questionable
i prefer irl axols

 [View thread 88 How are you X Anonymous Sat 2022-08-13 10:39am No.88
>> X Anonymous Sat 2022-08-13 6:27pm No.91
it’s the numberando!!!!! Seeg hiyel!!!!!
>> X Adolf Hitler Sat 2022-08-13 6:40pm No.94
vielen dank
>> X Anonymous Mon 2022-08-15 8:39am No.102

 [View thread 87 X Anonymous Sat 2022-08-13 4:46am No.87
why do they exist?
like, what’s the appeal?
are they just made to count money?
like black people are made to do physical labor?
im genuinely confused
>> X Adolf Hitler Sat 2022-08-13 6:37pm No.93
I know right!??? Zat is vat i have alvays been zinking of ja
Ze jews are so silly ja, ve dont need zem
ich hasse sie

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